Though all those mustache styles we see on presentable and stylish men around us look fascinating and pretty simple at first sight, growing facial hair that will soon become your mustache is a whole new artistic process.
Unlike beard growing, this type of facial hair styles requires many things to consider: the density, shape, and the right styling routine which will maintain the desired image of your style.
And today we’re going to share with you the top mustache ideas and trimming/styling tips of all time so that you can get some inspiration and bring it to life!
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- Top Mustache Styles
- Pencil Mustache
- Chevron Mustache
- Handlebar Mustache
- Porn Stache
- Italian Mustache
- Walrus Mustache
- Military Mustache
- Horseshoe Mustache
- Cowboy Mustache
- Fu Manchu Mustache
- Toothbrush Mustache
- 70s Mustache
- How To Grow A Moustache?
Pencil Mustache
The pencil-thin mustache styles are lightweight, yet a very masculine option for men who are into minimalist and outlined looks. Everything is easy about the style; it just features a thin strip of hair that highlights the upper lip. Also, it’s a nice idea for men whose facial hair is not as thick as their mane, so it can be a nice way to get yourself a decent mustache without a ridiculous look. It works perfectly with textured trimmer haircut styles, as they also keep the precise image.
Here’s how you can get the style:
- Start by smoothing out the mustache length, leaving just one strip of hair above the upper lip.
- To define the needed pencil-thin shape, trim your mustache before shaving your face, as it will give a more accurate look.
- Check if you have followed the symmetry, shave your face, and give the mustache a finishing touch-up by shaping the edges of the stripe.
Chevron Mustache
The chevron mustache men from all over the world wear is so in demand today, not for nothing. And the reason for its huge popularity is that it doesn’t set any restrictions for men, which means that any guy, with any hair texture, can pull it off. Even if your facial hair isn’t so thick and full, this style will look nice with a low density, giving a sort of harry styles facial hair look. This style speaks for itself: it has a chevron shape that covers and “frames” the upper lip. As for stubble and beards, the chevron idea will match them!
Ready to get the style?
- First of all, work at the chevron shape, trimming out the rest of facial hair and setting the form.
- Then, trim your mustache, adding more precision.
- If you’re into neat looks, gently shave your face so as not to spoil the symmetry of your mustache.
- If you want to wear it with a stubble, define the shape by highlighting the edges to make the whole look immaculate.
Handlebar Mustache
The handlebar mustache seems to be the most ageless idea of all the today’s mustaches. First, it accompanied dignified men, and now it’s a stylish trend that has been embraced by modern hipsters. The main characteristic of this style is that the ends are curled upwards, which can actually be as thick as one pleases. It’s achieved by growing out facial hair right above the lip, so it can be a good match for many beard styles too.
Here’s how you can get the style with the help of hair wax:
- Comb your mustache so that it’s manageable.
- Warm up the wax in your fingers and start applying it on your mustache in a twist-pull motion to get a straight line.
- Now, it’s time to curl it up! Take a pencil, loop your mustache around and give it a minute. Set the form with your fingers and enjoy!
Hipster Mustache
The notion of men’s mustache has changed over the past decades. With all the classy looks, the definition of a hipster mustache has presented itself. When compared to the rest, these staches are longer and heavily styled to keep in place. Matching body mods such as piercings or tattoos usually accompany the look.
Some Moustache History from GQ’s favourite men’s groomer Matty Conrad:
“In the United States, handlebar moustaches were worn in the later part of the 19th century by Wild West figures like Wyatt Earp. In Europe, handlebar moustaches were often worn by soldiers during the 19th century through roughly the World War I era. The hirsute look can largely be attributed to the British colonization of India. A traditional Indian belief is that a man’s facial hair is a sign of his virility. … The British Army, who were clean shaven until that time, had difficulty maintaining authority among the Indian soldiers, who saw their officers’ lack of a moustache, beard and sideburns as a lack of manliness.”
Original Mustache
The classic, original mustache is all about versatility and practicality. It looks natural when it’s worn with a beard or stubble, and works sharp on cleanly shaved men as well. This mustache style can fit any lifestyle, as it requires minimum attention, sitting just above the top lip. Are you interested in this one?
Keep in mind these trimming tips:
- Find a trimming comb that is comfortable for you, and even out the desired mustache length with the trimmer.
- If you’re working with beard or stubble, make sure to trim a defining line that will highlight your mustache.
- Always check whether everything is symmetrical.
- If you want your mustache to be in the spotlight, shave your face.
- When the style is ready, define the edges slightly; it’s a finishing touch up.
Porn Staches
Once a guy with mustache gives you an impression of a sleazy and unreliable man – you can safely assume that the style he sports is porn stache. While there is no precise definition of the look, the thick mustache with elongated ends speaks for itself.
Italian Mustache
An Italian mustache man usually sports quite thin but effective-looking stache. The ends are well-styled and keep in place throughout the day. This isn’t the look that anyone would opt for. Yet, it is pretty alluring, let alone incredibly fashionable.
Walrus Mustache
Just like goatee facial hair styles, the walrus mustache is one of the most famous mustache styles among modern men. The style literally has no disadvantages: it’s super easy to trim and maintain and gets on well with most beard styles for men. Yet, it requires really thick hair, as originally, it’s a round and overgrown style that can cover the whole mouth with its fullness.
There’s no need to tell you how to trim or style this particular type of facial hairstyles because it’s meant for self-customizing and regulating. But we strongly recommend you to keep it immaculate by shaping the ends, which will give a ravishing look to those who wear a massive beard.
Military Mustache
Although a military ‘stache reminds of a chevron mustache, it’s much neater and shorter than the latter. This is obviously because the army standards are all about order even when it comes to your appearance. So, be sure to keep your facial hair styles dapper and clean cut if you try to follow military trends.
Horseshoe Mustache
The name of the horseshoe mustache may sound quite funny unless you see how perfectly it can match your sharp image. It’s a restrained variation of the classic mustache styles: this time, the style features two long bars that point downwards and go all the way down to the wearer’s chin. In most black facial hair styles, such style also involves a tapered, anchor-like stripe of hair that extends from the lower lip to the chin.
With these mustache grooming tips, you will master this style in just a couple of tries:
- Even out the mustache hair length, giving it a draft form with a trimming comb.
- Once this area is clean, define the horseshoe shape with a trimmer. Be careful at this part so as not to end up with a pair of over-trimmed, asymmetric bars on your face.
- Get yourself a close shave to make the mustache stand out.
Cowboy Mustache
If Wild West carries you away, you will definitely want to consider this big mustache that cowboys love to rock. It’s full, coarse and a bit messy. However, you don’t want to look untidy, so do take care to employ a bit of styling.
Dali Mustache
His personality was as much iconic as his mustache styles. Surreal and a bit comical, you won’t confuse Salvador Dali’s thin mustache with any other. To pull off the look, you’ll need to engage quite a lot of styling product to make the ends curl up.
Western Mustache
Here’s another gold standard of Western mustache types. To channel the look, the ends of your ‘stache should go below your mouth corners. In case you want to upgrade it a bit, add a soul patch beneath your lower lip.
70s Mustache
Old school is cool, and no one can defy the fact. Just like a military mustache, the retro style suits mature and confident men. The sides of the mustache do not go in any other direction but down. Following the natural pattern of your stache is the easiest way to succeed with the look.
Fu Manchu Mustache
Like most moustache styles, the Fu Manchu style has gained its popularity through television. Although originally, the style comes from China, most people connect it to the image of a witty villain that the fiction series have created. The stache starts right below the nose and goes all the way down at each side of the mouth.
English Mustache
Another type of cool mustache is of English origin. Surely, the look is timeless and classy. So, it needs a fair share of attention to keep the stache neat and well-defined. This style is all about clean lines and proper trimming. Thus, working with styling products like beard wax and beard comb is mandatory.
Imperial Mustache
There is a popular assumption that men with mustaches are bold and confident, and an imperial mustache only intensifies the opinion. It takes time and patience to grow such a stache out, but the result is worth the effort. Keep in mind that too much styling may ruin the look. Instead, you should train the ends to curl up naturally.
Toothbrush Mustache
Whether you wear a blonde mustache or brunette one – no one can mistake the toothbrush mustache for any other style. Unlike the pencil mustache, the thick growth takes place right at the tip of your nose and does not go far down the sides of the mouth. Regular trimming is a must in this case, but you can skip a bit on styling products.
How To Grow A Moustache?
To grow out the best mustaches, the first thing that you need to stock up on is patience. You should be ready that it’ll take your mustaches some time to grow nice and bushy so that you would be able to shape them. And that’s basically it. It’s better to leave all of your facial hair alone for a week or two though. If you notice that the beard really annoys you as it’s become too thick, you can shave it off. However, take care not to engage your mustache yet.
If you can’t simply wait doing nothing with your moustaches, you can try to boost their growth with special products and routine. Add minerals and vitamins to your diet first, especially biotin and vitamins A, B, C and E. Then, exfoliate and moisturize the face regularly to remove dead cells and create better conditions for your hair to grow. Last but not least, keep up your water balance to hydrate your follicles from the inside.
How Do I Shape A Mustache?
To give your moustache a perfect shape, you’ll need a beard trimmer or clippers and a pair of scissors for facial hair. The choice of the tool depends on the length of your beard and mustache. For shorter scruff, utilize clippers, for longer hair, go with scissors first. To achieve the most precision, don’t forget to comb the mustash through. Lastly, do the job only when your hair is dry, as this will allow you not to overdo it and see the final result clearly.
Moustache And Beard: Yay Or Nay?
A mustache and a beard go together like peanut butter and jelly, right? Wrong. Although they do look good together, if you don’t want to you don’t have to complement your moustache with a beard. There are plenty of types of mustaches that can be sported solo. Besides, the absence of a beard makes your ‘stache a focal point of the look. So, whether to opt for a beard or not completely depends on your preferences and on the mens facial hair styles you go for.
On that note, having discovered the most iconic mustache styles ever, you’ve learned all the basic things you should know about the modern mustache approaches. Now you know what ideas work well with beards and stubbles, as well as how to trim and style them. It’s time to get yourself a good trimming styler, isn’t it?

Should mustache cover upper lip?
Ideally yes, it should cover the whole surface of your upper lip and even hand a little over it.
How do I choose a mustache?
When picking out your perfect mustache style, here is what you should take into account:
1. How weighty they are.
By weight, we imply how wide and bushy they are. As a rule of thumb, the weightier your staches, the more voluminous your upper lip as well as the smaller your nose.
2. In what direction they grow.
Generally speaking, your whiskers can be vertical and horizontal. Men with wide faces should opt for the former, while narrow faced guys will benefit from the latter.
3. How wide they are.
If for some reason you want to visually make your nose and mouth look broader, choose a wide mustache. Similarly, to reduce your facial features, go for narrow whiskers.
Is a moustache attractive?
Undoubtedly, a mustache instantly attracts attention to your face. But what is more, the majority of women agree that a mustache makes you look more attractive. But this greatly depends on the style and condition of your whiskers.
Where should a mustache end?
The lowest point of your mustaches in many cases is dependent on the style you are striving for. But, usually, they should end a bit lower than your mouth corners.
Do girls like mustaches?
A lot of girls find men with mustache more masculine, mature and sexy. Of course, they like these features in men. However, there are also those who find mustaches repelling, so keep that in mind too.
Are mustaches out of style?
Mustaches are one of those retro features that will arguably never go out of style, provided you can pull them off.
- A moustache is a strip of facial hair grown above the upper lip. Source
- Mustache, also spelled moustache, hair grown on the upper lip. Source
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